We seek individuals who are passionate about the microbial symbiosis and understanding the complex relationship between the symbiont and host. We maintain high standards for our research and our team members, expecting a strong commitment to scientific integrity, creativity, and collaboration.
If you are interested in our research systems, we welcome you to consider joining us!
Postdoctorate Fellows
If our work aligns with your scientific curiosity and career aspirations, we welcome your enthusiasm and expertise. Please send a brief statement of research interests and a CV with a list of three references to shlrusse@ucsc.edu.
Graduate Students
We have graduate student positions available through the Biomolecular Engineering graduate programs.
Undergraduate Students
If you are an undergraduate student who is interested in gaining some research experience in microbial symbiont systems, please send a copy of your resume/CV to shlrusse@ucsc.edu and read through some of our recent publications.
We have one staff opening for junior specialist!